Non Core Invetments
Beltone Capital
Beltone Capital is a private equity fund managed by Beltone Private Equity.
It was established in the second half of 2006.
Around EGP 466 million has been raised to invest in Egyptian companies with strong, capable management, privatizations and turnarounds.
Upper Egypt Flour Mills
Publicly listed flour milling company with market capitalization of EGP 453 million, as of November 25th, 2009.
Based in Sohag and has 24 mills with 200 retail outlets.
Total production capacity of 1.1 million tons of flour and 6,800 100 kg sacks of flour for bread production.
Produces both 82% and 72% extraction flour.
Has 55% stake in Kings Valley Mills located in the 6th of October City.
Has large amount of unutilized land bank.
Main Investments Include :
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